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Introducing “Seoul Outing” located in Barcelona, ​​Spain.
Name : 관리자(test@test.com) Date : 2024-06-04 Hits : 415
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Introducing “Seoul Outing” located in Barcelona, ​​Spain.


Barcelona is Spain's second largest city and also a large port city.


It borders the Mediterranean Sea and is the central city of Catalonia. It is said to have hosted the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.


In addition, as Spain's largest port city, it trades with several Mediterranean countries through its ports. It is also famous as a city that produced many artists such as

painters Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro and architect Antonio Gaudí, making it an area visited by many tourists.


If you are traveling to Barcelona, ​​come to “Seoul Outing”~


Seoul Outing is a Korean grilled meat restaurant that serves a variety of Korean foods such as soybean paste stew, ramen, bibimbap, tteokbokki, kimchi stew, and kimchi rolled noodles.

If you miss Korean food while traveling abroad, you can come here and eat delicious Korean food.


And by installing Cookzen's air circulation electric roaster, you don't have to worry about smoke or odor.

You can enjoy Korean BBQ just like you would in Korea, in a pleasant environment.


There are always good products in great places!!


“Seoul Outing” installs and uses the air circulation electric roaster EZ-V1DF.


The EZ-V1DF product has an air circulation internal structure and is equipped with a powerful air purification filter to block fine dust and smoke to maintain a comfortable indoor environment.

When grilling meat, the FAN button automatically operates to suck in smoke and odor from the cross fan motor, and as it passes through the air purification filter and water pan, it absorbs

and decomposes the smoke and odor generated during the grilling process, so there is no smoke and it is healthy in a pleasant environment. This product allows you to enjoy delicious grilled meat.


In addition, it automatically turns off the power if not used for a certain period of time to ensure safety, so you can enjoy cooking comfortably. There is no smoke or smell, so there is 

no need to install a hood, and the meat does not stick, so it can be used without replacing the grill, saving money.



If you want to install the air circulation electric roaster EZ-V1DF, do not hesitate and choose Cookzen's electric roaster, which has been certified overseas.



Company Name: Seoul Outing


Address: C/ de Roger de Llúria, 24, L'Eixample, 08010 Barcelona, ​​Spain​

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