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We introduce "Izziban-3 shop" in Orland, USA
Name : 관리자(test@test.com) Date : 2019-02-20 Hits : 1050
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We introduce "Izziban-3 shop" in Orland, USA.


The Izziban-3 shop is located on the sea side of Piazza Grand Line.


It is a place where you can taste a variety of foods such as fresh sushi and rolls sushi, and Korean food.


There is a salad bar, and it has a variety of food and a variety of sauces, so it is fun to choose according to the food.


You can make Korean BBQ grilled rice with the electric cooker of the Cooken star. You can make a mistake. You can enjoy a variety of alcoholic beverages by adjusting the temperature according to the meat type and seasoning.


Rosta Cooken Rosuta, recognized and recognized abroad, does not smell smoke and smells, so you do not need to install a hood, you do not need to change the plate because meat does not stick, so if


you use a charcoal fireplace, If you use it, you will save more than 30 million won


Try Cooking with your favorite chef from overseas.



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