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Introducing "Izziban Sushi-2" in Orland, USA
Name : 관리자(test@test.com) Date : 2019-02-19 Hits : 1098
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Introducing the Izziban Sushi-2 restaurant in Orland, USA.

Following the first store in Florida, we opened our second store in Orland.

The second shop is located in a place where you can see the sea.

As with the first store, you can enjoy delicious sushi and various fried salads as well as Korean BBQ.

You can enjoy a wide range of alcoholic beverages with your food.

You can also enjoy a dessert with a Korean cafe next to you for dessert.
Roasta Cooken Rosuta, recognized and recognized abroad, does not smell smoke and smells, so you do not need to install a hood, you do not need to change the plate because meat does not stick, so if you use a charcoal fireplace, If you use it, you will save more than 30 million won

Try Cooking with your favorite chef from overseas.


izziban sushi & bbq 2호점
주소 : 5310 E Colonial Dr, Orlando, FL 32807

- 원적외선 로스타 설치 회사 -

(주) 쿡젠


 TEL : 032-437-9295~7    


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